In Volume 1, Rabbi Forst's previous works have established him as a halachic expositor of the first order. Now he turns to a topic that is at the very basis of the Jewish family and nation. Exhaustive yet clear, detailed yet easy to follow, this book belongs in every Jewish home. In addition to the vital and basic halachos, this volume deals with modern medical procedures and how they affect the halachic status of the patient.
Halachic authority Rabbi Binyomin Forst continues his comprehensive treatment of the laws of niddah with the publication of the second volume of his outstanding legal compendium.
Not only are the underlying concepts of the laws explained, their logical halachic process is demonstrated and the various opinions regarding their applications are discussed with thoroughness and expertise. From everday practices to current medical procedures, from chapters on setting a wedding date through later life concerns, every statement is backed by significant research and abundant citation of sources. Expansive indices and a full bibliography facilitate further research. Clearly written, yet extensive in detail, the copmlete set of The Laws of Niddah is a reference vital to every Jewish home and library.